We recognise the pressures and controls being enforced can be stressful, and that there are many companies out there who are happy to take your money in every way that they can.
Our goal is to provide you with a complete drainage solution service providing you with the equipment and tools to ensure you meet with all current regulations and meet your environmental obligations at an economical and fair price. Twenty years specialising in solutions to FOG* issues in commercial kitchens has gained us valuable insight and understanding of how your operation works. We have been around for a long time, not by being expensive, but by being honest and caring about our customers and delivering a world class quality experience to every client at an economical price.
Our future is in providing a complete sustainable, economic solution and management system for our food service customers. A solution based on current and future compliance requirements. A solution consumerist with the aspirations of our customers, eg; advice, fact sheets, training and full management participation.
Check out our costs for providing you with our services, you will be surprised to learn that for the cost of buying a Grease Trap on the internet Aluline will give you not only quality equipment manufactured in the UK by Aluline, you will receive Aluline's considerable resources, services and training.
You will know from experience that dealing with the right company is always cheaper in the long run. Not only does it save you time and money, but it ensures you peace of mind.
Our customers do not use us because we are cheaper or dearer, they use us because we care.
*FOG - Food Oil Grease |
