SOGT Steam Oven Grease Traps
The Aluline Alutrap® (model SOGT) is designed specifically for combination ovens and steaming ovens to assist in trapping food, oil and grease. A Steam Oven Grease Trap or a floor trapped Stainless Steel gully should be fitted to prevent prevent food, oil and grease from contaminating pipe work.
Specially designed and sized for streaming/convection ovens with either right or left hand side inlets. The Stainless Steel design is a simple and cost effective method of grease removal. Can be used in conjunction with Alubio-Blocks to assist cleaning. Available in both right and left Inlet / Outlet models.
Typical Installation
Combi Oven / Steaming Oven |
Inlet and outlet pipe fittings are supplied with 50mm standard connections.
Reducers are available in 35mm and 40mm. Should these be required
please specify with order, and indicate if flow is right to left or left to right.
Contact Aluline for FREE comprehensive operating instructions and advice. |
To Order Tel: 01928 563532  |